Atelier & Co.'s education studio exists to revive the teaching of architecture as a fine art on the model of the Ecole des Beaux-Arts in Paris. 

Our education studio carries out its mission by raising funds for the formation of teaching ateliers; support for teachers and students in the ateliers; providing support for the work of those ateliers in the US and abroad; and organizing the competitions that serve as the method of evaluating the work of the students in the ateliers. 

The atelier system was the cornerstone of the Beaux Arts educational model. According to John Harbeson (1) the Beaux-Arts system relied upon the following ideas, which we aim to carry out through our programs:

  • The organization into ateliers

  • The tradition of the more experienced students teaching the beginners

  • The system of organized competitions

  • The reliance on practicing architects and artists carrying out the teaching in the ateliers and the judging of competitions

  • The beginning of the study of design as soon as the student enters the atelier

  • The system of the ‘esquisse’ (conceptual design sketches created under a time constraint)

  • The collaboration between architects, sculptors, and muralists to create integrated architectural experiences.


1.     Harbeson, John F.,  The Study of Architectural Design, Pencil Points Press, 1927 (republished with introduction by John Blatteau & Sandra L. Tatman, W. W. Norton, 2008) 

LECTURES & classes




Michael Djordjevitch studied Architecture at the University of Toronto, receiving his B. Arch in 1981. He went on to work at the Royal Ontario Museum and also taught at the School of Architecture of the University of Toronto while taking courses in Art History. His principal teacher was Prof. Hans Luecke. In 1988, he was accepted into the history and theory program of the School of Architecture of Princeton University, receiving his Masters in 1991. The following year, he was received into the graduate program of the American School of Classical Studies in Athens, completing the course and becoming a Fellow of the School in 1993. Throughout the 90’s, he worked as one of the two architects for the Agora Excavations of the American School of Classical Studies in Athens. In 2001, be began teaching at the University of Notre Dame’s center in Rome. Following the completion of his term in 2003, he was invited to N.D.'s U.S. campus as a visiting critic. From 2011 to 2014 he taught Architectural Design, Theory, History, and the Orders at the Institute of Classical Architecture and Art's full time year long Architecture program, the Beaux-Art Atelier. In 2014-2015 Michael taught these same subjects at the Beaux Arts Academy in Utah and Rome.